5 Ways Genealogy Testing Can Help Improve and Extend Lifespans 

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Since the dawn of time, one of the most driving questions humans have tried to answer is how long they have to live. This question was unanswerable for thousands of years, but today, thanks to science and medical technology, one can ascertain their lifespan with genealogical or DNA tests.

Studies have found that combining the results of a genealogy test and changes in an individual’s environment can significantly improve one’s lifespan. If you’re wondering how a simple test can do so, here’s a short rundown of how things work in a genealogical test.

  • Stimulants

Genealogical tests find that one of the most important bits of information is the body’s DNA reactions to stimulants. As a result, you can easily find your nutritional deficiencies and any genetic weakness passed on to you. You can optimize your diet, get aware of food intolerances, and check your food sensitivities.

Using this information, you can easily bring the necessary changes to your diet that will allow your body to supplement the nutritional deficiencies. For example, if your body is intolerant to carbohydrates, you may go for a low-carb diet to improve your health.

  • Chronic Health Conditions

Many people go around carrying dormant chronic illnesses without knowing for most of their lives until they fall sick to that condition. A genealogical test can help you avoid that by identifying those chronic health conditions and formulating treatment based on the test results. This is really helpful in treating cancer patients.

This is not only applicable to physical illnesses but to mental illnesses as well. Though a DNA test itself cannot predict whether you will be affected by a chronic mental illness or not, it can still help you avoid situations ad circumstances that can trigger those mental illnesses.  

  • Aged Ancestors 

Certain genes can be of benefit to longevity, but not everyone has them. Another piece of important information that can be acquired through DNA testing is the longevity of your ancestors. If your ancestors had longer life spans, chances are high that you will have a long life as well, provided you don’t fall victim to any unfortunate accidents or illnesses.

For example, a DNA test can easily help you find your ancestral origins if you are of mixed ancestry. Different companies provide different specializations, so the best DNA tests for African ancestry won’t be the same as the best DNA tests for asian ancestry.

Of course, the environment also plays a big factor in how long your ancestors lived so if you live in a densely packed urban area, you won’t be as healthy as an ancestor who was a farmer or lived in the countryside. Nevertheless, you will have stronger genes than people who don’t have ancestors with a lengthy lifespan

  • A Sense Of Relief From Uncertainty

Aside from helping you fix your health and adapt to special conditions, an important benefit of doing a DNA test is relief from uncertainty. If you have healthy genes, then you can rest assured that your health, current lifestyle, and environment are conducive to your health. If not, then you know what must be done to improve things.

Also, DNA testing has helped a lot of orphans and adopted children over the years to find out about who their parents were and help find mental peace. DNA tests have also helped uncover many instances where a supposed father of a child didn’t turn out to be the biological father at all.

  • A Proactive Approach to Health

Doing a DNA test is a great way to be proactive about your health since it provides personalized health information, disease risks, and other conditions, which allows individuals to take proactive measures about their health. 

If you do a DNA test when you’re young, you can avoid a lot of health problems down the road by being prepared beforehand. This proactive attitude towards your health will benefit you, your children, and future generations.  

Nothing Mandatory Here

A DNA test is not mandatory unless you’re sick, but doing so without a doctor’s suggestion can still benefit you greatly. They’re not very expensive to get done, so you won’t be throwing away too much money even if nothing bad turns up. So get one done if you feel like it and improve your lifestyle based on what you find.