Accra Mall: Location, Shops & Trading Hours

Accra mall logo

Accra Mall is a state of the art and one of the biggest enclosed shopping center in Accra and Ghana as a whole. It was established and commissioned in 2008 on January 4th.


Accra Mall is fully air-conditioned with a car parking space that can accommodate over 600 cars and has a retail space of 21,311 square meters located at the Tetteh Quarshie interchange and few meters away from the Tema motorway.

Shop Listings

The mall has a radio station, 5 cinema halls, 12 restaurants, over 70 line shops which includes South African giants, Game and Shoprite. However, 50% of the shops are owned and operated by Ghanaians.

Food Joints

GameShop NumberContactShopriteShop NumberContact
Barcelos61-640302972737Pizza Inn33-350242339963
Basilissa & Nominom650544577777Creamy Inn33-350242339963
Burger King1400503184324Chicken Inn33-350242339963
Eddy’s Pizza68A0249051735Rose Joy320303973600
KFC29B0302940290Say Cheers510263019231
Le Must Family Restaurant69B0555503336Vida e caffè69&700552804335
Ashfoam14 0558271912Manos210248148111
Banana Homes390553552976Maydan Home decor550245601277
AHA570540111934Mr Price420302823081
Aurum110547889196Nallem Clothing160302823047
Fast Forward40A0246739372T.M Lewin380504887444
Kiki Clothing39A0208174362Vlisco490302900437
M.V Accessories370205363004Woodin520302823066
MTNL- 03A0241002232Satguru Travels&Tours50556585163
SICL0 10302823096
Spendstre Foto Store020540122080Yasore Forex Bureau60268264365

Body Basics470551099374Mac Cosmetics43A0303969232
Couture580549762162Paris II410303932131
Hair Depot43B0269348433Scentopia53-540552772107
Life Health Care25-280302823064Yves Rocher480550070070
Galaxy Studio60B0545132831Compu-Ghana220553747400
Silverbird CinemasFF1-FF20544310140
Vulkano games750501636938

Working Hours

Most of the shops at the Accra Mall work seven times in the week, most the cinemas dominating market on Saturdays and Sundays as family and friends throng the cinemas to watch their favorite movies.

Mondays – Saturdays = 9:00 am – 9:00 pm

Sundays= 10:00 am – 6:00 pm