Delay advised Bridget Otoo to be careful of her ‘snake’ friend who posted a horrible video from her wedding.
After Delay’s advice to the TV Presenter, Bridget Otoo randomly shared a tweet and some Ghanaian bloggers out of no correlation claimed her tweet was to shade Delay over her advice.
The tweet read “there are people who tweet inspiring messages etc.. if you focus on that alone you’d think they have it figured out until you get close and realize what a fraud they are, cheating people of their hard earned money. Don’t kill yourself over motivational messages”.
Clearing the air that her tweet isn’t about Delay, she said “So do people get paid for sending fake stories to blogs?” In another tweet, she continued that “if you see any story linking me to Delay disregard it. @delayghana is an inspiration to me personally and I’ve said several times that she’s the reason I even bought equipment to go into TV production. I will continue to respect and admire her“.
“Why would I shade the one person who has used her platform to speak in support of me? If you have your personal issues pls come for us directly but don’t think you are smarter than anyone and use my tweet that has no link to @delayghana to express your hate!!!,” she said.
The advice that stirred this misleading report was when the Delay TV host asked Bridget Otoo to be mindful of the said friend who shared a video of her husband refusing to kiss her.
Commenting on the video on her show, Delay said “as for me, I only have two takes on this issue, “There are some men who are shy to do things in public, he can’t kiss you in public. I don’t think that if the man doesn’t like a woman, he would have invested his resources to marry his enemy, so she is his wife, he married her but maybe he decided not to do public display of affection”
Talking about the groom’s act, she continued that “as for that one, it’s not my business but what surprises me is the friend that recorded that video and posted it on social media.”
“Look for her name for us so that when we all see someone like that we run because a friend like that is very scary, when you take snakes out, they are those there,”