Ours is a true grace-to-grass narrative. We have lost and been stripped of so much in the last two years. I’m nervous around the man I call my spouse today. This is not the guy I married. If this is how I met him and how I feel about him today, I would not have married him. I can’t share this with anybody I know, which is why I’m bringing it here. We’ve been together for ten years. Before COVID, my husband was scheduled for a promotion, and everything simply went south. The firm had to shrink so drastically that some of the top workers, including my husband, were affected. It felt like a dream to me when he came to tell me about it. I work as a seamstress. I sew at home while also caring for the children. I wasn’t doing it on a massive scale because my husband’s job provided for all of us and he wanted that I stay at home and care for the children.
When he got home, he converted our two private cars into taxis. He got one driver for one, and he was driving a cab. My husband would have applied for employment if he had a degree, but he just has an HND, and he obtained the position via the process. He attempted to apply with his HND but was unsuccessful. His only emphasis is now on providing for his family. He is so stressed out that he no longer cares about his appearance. My hubby has become incredibly thin and even elderly. He is 45 years old, but he appears to be much older. When he gets home from work and the meal isn’t done, he starts yelling at me and calling me callous, but I do my best to cook every evening as well. He stated that I do not assist him, but what can I do? I’m not the sort to hawk in the scorching sun. That’s something I can’t do.
My spouse looks far too miserable for my liking, as I have often informed him. He no longer shaves until his face is completely hairy. He is unconcerned about washing his shoes. When he wakes up in the morning, he takes a bath and immediately heads to the cab. He no longer gives a damn about his appearance. When I inform him, he claims he is no longer the corporate man I remember and that he is now a cab driver, which I should accept. It’s not an awful job to be a cab driver. I know several extremely nice cab drivers. My hubby has just transformed into someone else. He used to be a very kind man, and it’s tough for me to remember him as the man I fell in love with. Because our second taxi driver was continuously telling us stories, I recommended that my younger brother take over the taxi work and bring us sales because he wasn’t doing a better job.
I haven’t taken my brother’s side, but my husband has been too harsh on him. At the very least, he is family. My spouse will be furious if he does not bring in sales on certain days. He already informed my brother that he would seek another cab driver. We have four children, and he no longer has time for them. He goes extremely early and returns after the kids are asleep, and I am constantly alone with them, which is difficult for me. I can’t go to gatherings with him like I used to because he insists on going to work instead of attending with me. Even though he consented to go, he doesn’t dress properly, and everyone knows he lost his job, which has impacted our money.
My spouse is constantly washing our soiled clothes in public. I’m afraid of him because of the way he displays himself outside. Meanwhile, numerous guys contact me in my dms and even when I’m out and about, asking to be with me, and I’m getting tempted. How can I reclaim the man I married? How should I proceed? Because I have the impression that I married a different man.
Source: Anonymous Confessions
You need lashes!
Instead of you encouraging him and motivating him and also praying for him, you are here condemning him. The man sacrificed his life for you and the kids. He could have continued with his education and gotten a better job while he still had the money, instead he made you stay home to care for your children while he worked to provide for you all. You should have saved the little you were earning.
Did you forget your marital vows? …for better for worse, for richer for poorer, forsaken all others… do you remember now?
Madam aside sowing there are other trades you can add to what you do to help him.
Do you know why most men like the married women? It’s because they can’t get jealous and overreact because someone might see and tell their husbands. You’ll regret leaving him if you try. No condition is permanent.
Every marriage has its own challenges so work on your marriage. All shall pass.
Remember as you are nagging him, if he goes out and meets someone who makes him feel better than you make him, he might leave you.