I’m 21 years and I have 2 siblings as well as me. As I write this, I don’t have peace and see my family as monsters. I do not want them to be with me in my next life. I really hate them with passion.
My elder sister is someone who doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut and always spilling issues to outsiders. A very great gossiper. She will laugh with you and hit you on your back. A lady whom anyone must avoid being with.
My mother too is someone who can’t control her temper. She has bp and I won’t be surprised if she dies because her anger will kill her. I almost jilted my school when I was in L200 because of the kind of painful words she told me. She’s someone who gets angry easily and starts saying hurtful words to piss me off. When I react she tells me I don’t respect and truly I hate her with more passion than ever.
She won’t ask before retaliating and also fight when she knows nothing about the issue. She is the cause of every non-peaceful situation that comes into our home. I remember when my Dad was alive he used to beat her up and shout at her but never understood why. After his death, some years back. I realized my Mum was the problem with all these. I wish I depart from her because of the kind of words she says. Honestly, it will break you down. I honestly hate her from the core and wish she was never my Mother. Just now she started her things and I wanted to slap her in the face. I hate to see her presence.
Despite her anger, she’s very ungrateful and starts to fight anyone who has helped her. She never appreciates what you do and I also hate that thing. Kill yourself for her and she will render you workless. In fact, my younger sister yelled at her that she should tell God to change her. Honestly every time there’s a fight, she will tell people how we retaliated but won’t say what she did. I see her going to church always but her behaviour doesn’t depict it. If she talks about the church, I just laugh. Her behaviour depicts a satanic temple. Again too she is a chronic Liar. A separation agent just like my grandma.
A lot to say. I really really hate her to the core. My small sister too is someone who wants to overtake and overshadow us. Feels bossy over everyone and wants to control us. I slapped her the other day and she tried fighting. I punched her harder and she fell bleeding. One day too she true putting false accusations against me and I cursed her future to be bitter.
I’m planning of leaving the house and work for myself because of the kind of HATRED I have developed for my family. I don’t know how to measure it. Especially the root which is my mother. I really really really hate her.
I want to leave now but any idea of how I can plan after leaving
Hmmmm this is so bad,but he should try so hard to ignore them and move on with his life because no matter what they are still your family just that he shouldn’t involve them so much in everything he does