I tested my girlfriend and she fell for it

confused man11

My girlfriend is a fine girl. When I step out with her, I feel very insecure about the number of guys I catch staring at her. I’m a guy and I know how we look at fine girls. I know she is faithful to me but my paddies kept asking me if I’m sure she’s not seeing another guy because it’s not as if I am very rich or anything like that. She doesn’t really bill me like that because she herself she comes from a comfortable home and her dad takes care of her. She’s not dbee, but she is better than me when it comes to money.

This gf of mine is always on her phone so I can’t help but be jealous. I’ve always been wondering if she has another guy she’s with. Maybe I am the one she is playing so I decided to try something and see if she falls for it. I created a different Facebook profile and used my late friend’s picture as the profile picture. I uploaded like four more of his pics from Instagram. Then I added a couple of friends and added her. Within some months, we started chatting. At first, she wasn’t responding to my messages a lot. But I started using some format on her. I will intentionally talk about how I’m building a house and buying a new car and she suddenly became very responsive to me. I thought she was not like that but it looks like all girls are the same.

So Fast forward she started asking us to do video call, but I always created excuses. I told her I prefer to meet her in person because video calls and all that stuff is not the same as meeting in person cos I’m not photogenic. My girl fell for it, but she asked me more pics of my self and I sent her my friend’s pics. The friend I’m talking about lost his life two years ago in an accident. He was a pic guy and he has a lot of pics on Instagram. I don’t intend any harm. I’m just using his pics to test my girl and knowing him, he would have laughed about it. I’m also not scared my girl will see his Instagram profile because his account is private and only followers can view his pics.

Now here is the thing. My girl has been acting normal around me. Nothing has changed in her attitude, but she has accepted my invitation to a date this coming weekend. I mean the other me. Isn’t she cheating on me? I have been watching her closely to see if she will show any signs of cheating or chatting another guy but she is hiding it well and now I am very sure she has been sleeping with other guys without my knowledge because it looks like she can also hide that one well.

As a 24 year old guy, my plan is to marry early and settle down within next year when I’m 25. My late dad has left me a barbering shop and I have two barbers working for me. The business is booming. My girl is the same age and now that she has fallen for my trap, I have planned not to go to the date on Saturday. I will let her go and wait for the guy she has been chatting on Facebook. If she gets tired, she will go home and then I will call her and tell her it’s me and I will break up with her. I hope I’m making the right decision. I love this girl but she has proven that she is not the loyal type and I cannot marry someone who is not loyal. She will cheat on me and act normal so I don’t suspect her.

I have been chatting with one girl in her area. Although we are just friends, I’m thinking of moving to her to see because I don’t want to experience broken heart. I’m the type who moves on quickly. Hope I’m doing the right thing because cheating destroys relationship and she cheating on me has destroyed the love we share. Please I need your thoughts on this.