My girlfriend of 2 years’ mom passed away and she herself praises me for being there for her throughout everything. I was there for her during the one-week celebration and travelled to her hometown on Wednesday and left on Monday for the funeral. The issue happened 2 weeks to her mom’s funeral. She used to come over some days as she used to say the house reminds her of her mom (she was very close to her mom, and share secrets, gigst among others).
She came over and as usual and I had to kinda promise her the universe before this girl would eat. She has grown lean as she is actually starving herself. After eating she asked me if I loved her and I replied in the affirmative.
She then said she hasn’t seen me crying or being sober ever since her mom passed away of which I replied that my grandpa who was like a dad to me died on my lap whilst feeding him on a Wednesday and I went to school to write a quiz the next day.
We all have different ways to mourn so she shouldn’t expect me to be like her. There nor, this girl started crying calling me insensitive for Comparing her mom, one she was very close with to my grandpa.
We spent the day in silence but I still went to the funeral. Ever since the funeral which happened 2 months ago, this girl won’t hesitate to call me insensitive to her feelings I’ve spoken to her countless times that we all have various ways of mourning so she should desist from calling me that.
But she won’t change. It’s affecting the relationship to the extent that I want to give her space to deal with whatever she is going through. Will be called “Insensitive” again or my sanity matters so I can go ahead?
NB: I never had the opportunity to meet the mom in person but we spoke a lot on the phone and she was almost my mom too. We had made plans to go home and introduce me to her after her studies in school as she is now a final student but it didn’t happen.
The guy should just give her space WE WOMEN ARE JUST DRAMATIC she she will get better and come back
But why should your guy cry because your man is dead 🤣 is just funny