I went to the Western Region as a single man but as I write this story, I have a fresh baby and another is pregnant for me

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National Service for my year group is coming to an end. I was posted somewhere within the Western Region. I’m an Accra boy and I have never been to the Western Region before. It was teaching work and I was excited about it. Many of my mates were doing special postings to get big companies in Accra, but I saw it as an opportunity to visit other places in Ghana and experience life outside home for once.

The place is nice and I even got a single room to rent within a week of officially reporting. The headmaster was the one who helped me get the place and I’m still grateful. NSS is almost over for my year group and right now I feel like the world is ending for me. I went to the Western Region as a single man. As I write this story, I have a fresh baby and another girl is pregnant for me.

It’s a long story but I will try and shorten it the best way I can. I met this girl in the area. She was so friendly when she realised I was from Accra and she was willing to show me around. She was cooking for me and I didn’t miss home so much because of her. We got very close and we started doing the do.

She even likes it more than me and many times she initiated it and I couldn’t say no. We were using protection at times but sometimes we were using her cycle and her safe period. There were maybe a few times we just went raw and didn’t even check to see if it was during her safe period. She must have gotten pregnant during our first s*x encounter because we did that raw. I know that was a careless thing and I kept persuading her to abort it, but she said no.

She is a northerner. Her family is not even in the Western Region and she sells bread for a living. Long story short, an elderly man in the area spoke to me and told me to go and see her family. But I didn’t have the courage in me to do it so she started staying with me and then she gave birth. I have been calling my parents and always begging them to send me money because our allowance was always delayed and also it wasn’t even enough so I had to be lying to my parents even to the extent of telling them that I was sick and I needed more money to buy some medicines. My mum was willing to come and visit me here but I made sure I assured her I was fine. They don’t have the slightest idea that they’re now grandparents.

I don’t know how they’ll take the news and I’m just scared. I am the quiet and serious-minded one in the family. My parents don’t even know I am s*xually active. I don’t know how I’ll tell them about what has happened. Now the even more serious thing is that I have impregnated another girl. My baby mama and I are having problems and this girl who is a big sister to one of my students became close to me. We did it at her place and I am forcing her to abort but she said no. The pregnancy is fresh and she wants to tell her mother but I cannot allow her. I am telling her that I will find a hospital we can go to for abortion but she is acting all moral on me and I don’t know what to do anymore.

My first baby mama does not know I have impregnated another woman. She stays with me and she cannot go back to where she was staying with her baby because they are a lot of girls renting a single room and it will not be a good thing for the baby. Please don’t insult me. I am already insulting myself. I just need solutions because if my parents find out I’ll be in serious trouble. The service has also almost ended and sometimes the temptation to just pack my things and run back home hits me but I don’t want to do it. I will be 23 years in December and I don’t think I planned for my life to be this way.

As I write this, the second girl I have impregnated has told me she will tell her mum about the pregnancy. My life is over already with the first baby and I wish the National Service will start again. I would have done special posting and stayed in Accra because I’m having sleepless nights and the headaches I get these days are not normal headaches. I’m not okay at all and the hardship is really hitting me. I’m begging you guys to have mercy on me and not be hard on me. Please advice me. I’ll be reading comments.

Source: Anonymous Confessions