I’m tired of being a second wife – 27 year old teacher cries

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I am a 27-year-old teacher. I am a second wife to a man who has been nothing but compassionate and loving to me. We had been dating for a few months before he chose to introduce me to his parents. After a year, he recommended that I become pregnant for him because my father was not supportive of our relationship and that this would make it simpler for him to marry me. I consented and became pregnant with him. He then rented and equipped a one-bedroom apartment for me.

When I moved into the flat, everything changed. As soon as his first wife delivered birth, he stopped staying at my house. I was just three months pregnant at the time. When I tried to speak, it was always excuses after excuse. Fast forward to after I gave baby, and he transformed into this guy I had never met. He hadn’t been to my house in days, and he hadn’t even called to check on us. I became pregnant again two years later. But, because of how things were going, I informed him I wanted to terminate the pregnancy and move on. This man had pledged to change, but he never did. I was constantly unwell during my pregnancy. From the first month, I vomited blood until I gave birth.

I dislike the smell of food, so I was constantly anaemic. But this man seemed unconcerned. He was constantly too preoccupied to be present. He’d occasionally tell me he’d travelled merely to get away from him. During my second pregnancy, he stopped having sex with me in the second month and didn’t resume until five months after I gave birth. Because my first child was delivered through CS, the pregnancy became complicated. So, as my due date approached, I instructed him to leave his phone on even if he didn’t want to remain with us so that I could always call him in case of need, but he’d always switch off his phone by 7:30 pm.

I went into labour at night and had to fight my way to the roadside to go to the hospital. I had another CS scheduled, but God willing, I delivered spontaneously. I had to wait from approximately 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. on the day I was discharged from the hospital with the baby before he picked us up, claiming he was busy. I have to leave out much of what I am going through to make my essay shorter. It’s been nearly a week and he hasn’t stepped foot here.

I took our firstborn to the hospital yesterday since he was unwell. He didn’t even bother calling to see how he was doing. I asked him earlier today to get the child some fruit juice since he complained that the food I made for him, which is his favourite, tastes harsh. This man said he was too busy and couldn’t. It was approximately 9 a.m. at the time. It’s already 10 p.m., and he hasn’t even called to see how the youngster is doing. I’ve never done anything to make this man despise me. Despite everything I’m going through, I do everything a wife is supposed to do.

He hasn’t spent more than 20 nights in my house in over five years. I’m looking for a way out of this situation because I’m sick of the whining. Even if he comes over, he searches for the smallest flaw in the room to begin a battle with me. I haven’t complained about his attitude in over a year, and he considers everything to be normal.

Please advise me on what I should do. Am I being overly dramatic? Should I quit for my own peace of mind, or is it possible to change the entire situation?

One thought on “I’m tired of being a second wife – 27 year old teacher cries

  1. What did you expect? You didn’t listen to your father!
    After wrecking someone’s home you think you will have it easy? No! Move on because he was never yours to begin with, we all learn from our mistakes so my dear, I hope you have learnt yours?
    Don’t listen to him because he will only waste your time. He only considers you as his baby mama.
    Know this for a fact that a man will do anything just to get into your pants, he can take you to the moon and back if he has the means just to sleep with you so wise up!

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