Open your legs for a man and get the job if you think it’s worth it – Mr Logic advises

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Controversial entertainment pundit cum artiste manager, Mr Logic has opened another ‘can of worms’ with his latest assertion on Hitz FM, claiming no lady should be ashamed to give ‘shuperu’ in exchange for a job.

According to Mr Logic, women should always take responsibility for their decisions, especially when they have to trade s*x for favours so long as the feeling is mutual.

“If a man says sleep with me and I’ll give you a job and you think the job isn’t worth it, (then) it’s your choice to leave. If you think it is worth it, (then) you can go for it”, he said on HitzFM.

His assertion obviously didn’t go down well with many listeners of the program who took to Twitter to register their disagreements.

However, typical of Mr Logic, he appears unshaken by those who have vehemently opposed his opinion.