Strange Things Are Happening To Me After She Aborted Our Babies And Cursed Me

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She was my school time girlfriend. I don’t even want to make myself look like a good person in my confession because I have done her wrong. We started playing with ourselves when we were very young.

Her mum sells foodstuffs in our area and she and my mum were friends, so anytime my mum takes me to buy foodstuffs from her friend’s place, I will see her and sneak into their house with her. Our children games became s*xual in nature and I started fingering her anytime we entered the house.

She liked it so much that she was always waiting for the time I will come over. Then we started doing it and she got pregnant. I can’t remember how old I was but I was around 15 years or so and we are the same age.

Our parents found out about the whole issue and they took her somewhere to get rid of the pregnancy. After that, we were stopped from seeing each other but we still found ways of meeting.

There is this school park around our area and we were meeting there to have s*x many times in the midnight. After her pregnancy we started using condoms to protect us.

Even before I was 18, I could walk into a pharmacy and buy condoms and the pharmacist didn’t say anything because I looked older than my age. But even with that, there were times we did raw because she was in her safe period and I enjoy raw a lot.

But she got pregnant again and I was so scared about the news that I accused her of not calculating the thing well. It was around that time that we run away from home and left where we were. She got a friend who introduced her to a doctor and they did an abortion for her.

The friend paid for it and I started paying her small small until I finished paying. Around this time I was 19 and I started doing any job for money. She was also working at a chop bar and at least we were getting what to eat for the day.

Around that time I got some work at a photocopy store. The owner does printing, photocopies and passport pictures and since the place was new I was able to get the job.

He was working with me and teaching me and after some time he was leaving the place for me because I learnt the job fast. Then this lady came to print her admission letter to University and we spent a long time talking about education.

I run away from home around the time I finished SHS and I have never looked back. I liked that girl from the first day she came to print her letters and she started coming over to do photocopy and all that.

I proposed to her and she accepted. All this while, my girl was with me and she didn’t know. When the University girl was going to school, she told me about it and sneaked me into her house the midnight before her departure and we had s*x.

When she left to school, the vibe died. I tried to be calling her because she will always say the school is stressful or she was busy with lectures so I stopped calling and I don’t hear from her anymore. Then my girl got pregnant again and this time she said she wanted to have the child, but I wasn’t ready.

I was still hustling and the pay I was getting from the photocopy work was not enough so I spoke to her and it wasn’t easy but she agreed to do a third abortion. So we went to the doctor who did the second one and he did it for her.

Around that time I wasn’t loving her anymore but I didn’t know how to end the relationship because of the number of abortions she has done for me and how much she loves me. She run away from home because of me and I thought about all of this so I couldn’t leave her.

I met another girl in the area I work and we started dating. My main girl found out about it because one of her friends saw me and the new girl many times and I couldn’t deny it when my girl asked me. I told her I don’t love her anymore and she started crying.

We live in a rented wooden structure and I have paid for another year. The way the whole issue was, I couldn’t sack her because it will be too wicked of me to do that. So I found a single room around where I work and rented the place for myself. One time when she left for her work at the chopbar, I packed all my things and left her.

Then like a few days later, when I closed from work, I came to meet her sitting infront of my door. That’s the new place I was renting. She stripped and rolled on the floor cursing me that I will never find happiness in this world and I will suffer until I die.

Many people came to gather and some women lifted her up and took her away. The next day, I tried to call her so that I apologise to her for all the pain I have caused her but her line was off. She has blocked me everywhere on social media.

I tried using a friend’s phone to call her and it looks like she has changed her number. She has also left Facebook and Tiktok. Like she suddenly doesn’t have any picture on social media and I used my friend’s phone to check her profile.

I have gone back to where we used to stay and they informed me she has left the place. No one knows where she has gone to. The last place to go to is her house. That’s not even in Accra. We run from Bantama to stay in Accra and if I go back and she is not there, her family will kill me.

Now I cannot sleep. Her curses are scaring me because I know she said it out of a lot of pain and sometimes these curses work if the person who said it means it.

I am really afraid and I just want to beg her that I will come back to her and have a child with her. This time, no abortion. I hope she can even see this story and know that I am not joking. I have a feeling she has created a new Facebook account so that I cannot find her and I’m just hoping that she sees this and reaches out.

I don’t know if the curse has started working already but I am not happy and I’m always borrowing money from friends. I’m just a young guy of 23 years and I want her to forgive me.

Source: Anonymous Confessions