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The Preacher Who Made It Possible For Me To Run From The Married Man I Was Dating



smiling woman good mood rides bus school morning headphones ears listening music

Years ago I was dating this married man who from all indications loved his wife from here to the moon and back. I’m not assuming, he told me that himself. He said, “I loved my wife and my family and there’s nothing I won’t do for them but you here serve a special purpose. A purpose my wife is too old to serve and too distracted to care. I asked him, “So what purpose is that?” He answered, “Of course, you should know. We’ve been married for over eighteen years. Things are not the same. We have kids and have responsibilities. Sometimes it looks like we have the world upon our shoulders and if we drop it the world may crash. We are always solving a problem and this process of solving a problem today and tomorrow gets a man tired. Sometimes I need a distraction and that’s where you come in but that doesn’t mean I love you any less. I picked you because if I met you today without my wife in my life, I would have picked you.”

I was a twenty-two-year-old woman who was looking for her place in the world. I hadn’t taken a step yet but the world was already difficult for me so I looked up to him for so many things and he provided. He paid my school fees and he paid my hostel fees. He paid for clothes and paid for shoes. I could stand in the mirror and look at myself from hair to toe and ask, “What on me didn’t he buy?” I wouldn’t get any so I will look into the eyes of my reflection and say, “I’m grateful for him. Had it not been him, where would I be? Naked? Maybe not but it would have been difficult to look the way I am.”

I didn’t go home to look for money because my parents didn’t have it. The little they had, they were using it to take care of my younger siblings. My dad asked me, “How do you do it? How come you don’t come for fees but you’re still in school?” Mom was like, “I hope you’re not into rotten stuff in school, sleeping around with men for money.” I said in my head, “I’m not sleeping with men but if the one I’m with is a married man, does it qualify to be one of the rotten stuff?” I couldn’t tell them that. My explanation was, “No I’m not doing any of that stuff. My friend is a rich man’s daughter. She knows my situation so she told her father about it and her father helps.” Dad didn’t believe it but mom bought it. They left me alone to live my life.

I was in school in Kumasi. This man I was dating was a top executive of a company in Kumasi. He travels a lot and wherever he went he went with me if only I wasn’t in my period. I remember one early morning before we woke up his phone rang. He didn’t pick up because he was still sleeping. The phone kept ringing so I took the phone and checked who was calling. It was his wife so I taped him to wake up. I said, “Your wife had been calling. It could be an emergency.” He took the phone from me and they started talking. A few seconds into the call, I sneezed. 

He got frozen for a second. He gave me a face that said, “Why the hell would you sneeze when I’m talking to my wife?” Seconds later, I sneezed again and again until I rushed to the washroom. He cut the call and followed me to the washroom. He screamed at me, “Why are you doing that? Why would you sneeze when you know I’m on the phone with my wife? Is it intentional? Is it your way of causing mayhem in my home so you’ll take over?” Just when I was about to say sorry, her wife’s call appeared on his phone again. He was still shouting at me. I said, “Your wife is calling. I won’t sneeze again.” When he picked up the call I heard him explaining himself. His wife obviously didn’t believe him. I could imagine her asking, “As early as this and someone is sneezing in your room and you tell me it’s coming from the outside?” He answered, “I came out when I picked up your call.”

They went to and fro on the call for over an hour. I felt sorry for him but I was also angry at the way he spoke to me. I coiled in bed with my heart in tatters. After the call, he didn’t talk to me. We ate our breakfast in silence. We dressed up in total silence. We picked up our bags, checked out, and sat in the car in silence. We were silent for several hours until I said, “Sorry.” He didn’t respond. I said again, “It wasn’t intentional. You know this thing is involuntary. I’m deeply sorry.” He was quiet. He kept driving as if I didn’t exist next to him. He dropped me in my hostel and drove away. He said no word to me. And for a whole week, he ignored my calls. I thought it was over so I started thinking of how I was going to continue this life without his support. 

One evening he called, “Can I see you? I’m right in front of your hostel.” I rushed out to see him. I was missing him and I was grateful that he had come back looking for me. I sat in his car and he drove away. We were silent for a couple of minutes. “I’m sorry for everything,” he said. “You caused me a lot of trouble I didn’t know how I was going to fix them. All this while you haven’t heard from me, I was patching the crack you left open in my marriage. My wife is overly sensitive. She’s not stupid so she suspects me oftentimes. I don’t have to give her a reason to continue doubting me. Your sneeze broke us down but we are back together and good. It’s the reason I can come and look for you. When the home is good, I get the free heart to be with you so you have to help me keep my home.”

He was always frank with me. He never wasted a minute putting me in my place when it came to his marriage. Sometimes it hurt—it hurt often times but there was nothing I could do. I’d grown teeth because of his maize farm. When he takes the farm away from me, my teeth would be useless so I had to swallow whatever he said to me. Regardless of whatever the trouble we went through, he was a very considerate man. He won’t wait until I ask. He gives according to my need. Sometimes, he made me feel like he was reading my mind. I would think about a new phone while going to bed and the next morning, he would call and tell me, “Here, I bought you a new phone. I knew the one you have was giving you problems.” 

I hardly made demands but my demands were sorted out even before I could give them a voice.

One day, I travelled with him to Accra. He didn’t drive so we took the VIP bus. He was going for a medical procedure that would make it hard for him to drive back to Kumasi. A few minutes after the bus moved, a man got up to start dishing out information. The way he started, it looked like he was a staff of the VIP bus. “If we get to a place where you want to urinate, don’t feel shy. Just call the driver’s attention and he will stop at a safe place for you. Watch your properties very well. When you go down, go with them else, you might leave it here and won’t come back to meet it. It happens, that’s why I’m warning you about it.” 

After those series of announcements, he dived into preaching. My man was already dozing off next to me. Every now and then this preacher would look at me while talking. “A young woman that you’ve just started life, you say it’s only married men you’ll chase. Your time is coming.” I lowered my head just to avoid his gaze. “You know this man you’re going up and down with won’t take you anywhere. When a great storm happens right now this man would run to his family and leave you there, yet you cling to him like a baby clings to its mother. What do you want in this world, young woman? Don’t you fear God? Don’t you know his judgement would find you soon?”

I was trying hard not to listen to him but his voice was piercingly high and you couldn’t avoid it even if you try. He’ll turn to the married men and give it to them and later come to us. My man was sleeping so he wasn’t hearing what was going on. I was left sitting there in the shroud of my guilt. I kept squirming in my seat whenever this preacher looked my way. “Flee, I say flee! Wait patiently for the man God is preparing for you. When you cling to another woman’s man, how would God make one for you? He gives you money so you can’t leave him? Do you think the God who brought you here isn’t capable of taking care of you? You’ve abandoned God and have placed your faith in that man you’re following that’s why God has abandoned you. Leave that man and test God with your faith and see if he won’t provide for you.” 

I was getting uncomfortable. I don’t know where the tears started coming from. I put my head on my seat and wiped the tears off gently so no one would see. When I’d had enough, I put my earphone in my ears and shut off my eyes. Even that, I could still hear him. I had to try very hard not to hear him. Somehow, I fell asleep. It was when we got to Linda Dor that I woke up. The preacher was gone but what he said hadn’t left me. I kept thinking about it. I knew that message was for me so I had to do something about it. We got to Accra, entered the hotel and I said, “Oh wow, it’s coming.” He asked me, “What is coming?” I answered, “My period.”

He stayed away from me as if I was an acid. He completed his procedure and we went back to Kumasi. While on the bus going back, the preacher wasn’t there but I could hear his voice sounding in my head. Every word he said kept echoing in my ears. I looked forward and I saw his silhouette standing there shouting at me. I told myself, “Don’t turn your heart away. Just obey.” When we got to Kumasi and I got to campus, I sent him a message, “I can’t do it again. I’ve hurt your wife for far too long and it’s about time I left you for her. I feel guilty about everything. I hope you understand.”

The next day he was in front of my hostel. “Is it about another man? How much is he giving you to leave me? Have I ever treated you badly? Why would you just walk away like that?” I didn’t give him further reasons. I was determined to let everything go and be free of guilt and shame. I started avoiding him at all costs. I didn’t pick up his calls and didn’t answer his text. He was even calling me at dawn, and it made me wonder, “Where is his wife that he’s calling me at this time?” One day he sent me a message; “Now my wife knows my heart is broken because of a side chick. My house is on fire because of you but it’s you I want. Please talk to me before I do something stupid.” I didn’t say anything back. The next day, he sent GHC2,000 into my bank account. I still didn’t see him.

He was at my graduation. I hugged him and said, “Thank you for all the help.” He said, “I’m ready to do more. Just give me a chance.” He chased me when I was doing my national service and now that I’m done, he’s still chasing me from left to right. Even when I threatened to tell his wife he told me, “Go ahead. If that would make you come back to me.” I block his line and he will get a new line to call me. I move and he follows. 

He’s been kind to me and helped me a lot. That’s the reason I can’t chop him off in a bitter way but where I’ve gotten to, there’s no way I will go back to that kind of lifestyle. It’s hard but I get through all the time. I won’t call myself a devoted Christian who does things to please God always but where I am now, I’ve been able to conquer one of my demons and I’m grateful for it. There’s no turning back

Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to

Source: Silent Beads    


Things to think about before breaking a Guinness World Record




Breaking a Guinness World Record is a difficult but rewarding endeavour that demands thorough organisation and execution. Aspiring record-breakers may improve their chances of success and create a memorable experience for themselves and others who witness their amazing exploits by taking into account the criteria described above. Remember that breaking a record is about motivating others to push their boundaries and strive for greatness as well as attaining a personal milestone.

The desire to pursue or break records captivated many people in 2023, with some reaching viral fame while others went disregarded.

However, attempting such exploits needs considerable preparation outside of the spotlight.

Before going on a record-breaking adventure, consider the following factors:

Think About Your Health

The pursuit of a record sometimes necessitates considerable physical and mental effort. Before embarking on such endeavours, it is critical to analyse your existing health situation. Consider the toll it may have on your body, since inconsistent sleep patterns and hard exercise regimens may hurt your health.

Take into account the available resources

Record-breaking attempts have financial ramifications. Determine if you have the means or funding to support your endeavour. Consider the price of a decent automobile, gasoline, maintenance, and other necessary expenses for certain records, such as a drive-a-thon.

Think about what you’ll get out of it

Recognise the motivation behind your ambition to set or break a record. Common motives include recognition, personal fulfilment, and promotional chances for your company. If the prospective rewards coincide with your objectives, it may be a worthwhile endeavour. However, if the endeavour does not provide real rewards, you should reassess your commitment.

Take a look at the rules and regulations

Each record category frequently comes with a set of regulations and guidelines established by organisations such as Guinness World Records. Learn about these rules and restrictions. Check that you can follow the regulations, as failing to do so may result in disqualification. Wasting time and effort on a project that does not fit the requirements yields an unsatisfactory result.

Prepare for a Positive or Negative Outcome

Understand that not every attempt to break a record will result in immediate success or fame. Prepare for the consequences, whether success, failure, or a lack of attention. Consider how the experience, whether you win or lose, may help you with personal development, skill development, or other elements of your life.

Setting off on a voyage to establish or break a record is admirable, but it takes careful planning and deliberation.

You may make an informed selection and boost your chances of a successful and enjoyable record-breaking event by carefully assessing these elements.


Breaking a Guinness World Record is a difficult but rewarding endeavour that demands thorough organisation and execution. Aspiring record-breakers may improve their chances of success and create a memorable experience for themselves and others who witness their amazing exploits by taking into account the criteria described above. Remember that breaking a record is about motivating others to push their boundaries and strive for greatness as well as attaining a personal milestone.

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Consumers of pepper soup enjoy longer lives




Food containing 3% chilli powder, on the other hand, reduced the longevity of male cohorts by 9%. According to a study of diet and mortality data from four big, multinational studies, ingestion of chilli peppers may lower the relative risk of cardiovascular disease mortality by 26%, according to a previous research by the American Heart Association (2020). Chilli pepper usage was related with a 25% reduction in all-cause mortality and a 23% reduction in cancer mortality when compared to persons who never or only seldom ingested chilli pepper.

Consumers of pepper soup should rejoice. A recent study by Semaniuk et al.(2022) found that eating chilli peppers regularly, whether in soup or other forms, increases life span.

Chilli pepper fruits do contain phenolic compounds that are structurally similar to those that have anti-ageing activities.

Chilli powder given to diet at doses of 0.04%-0.12% significantly increased the median longevity of fruit fly cohorts of both genders by 9% to 13%.

Food containing 3% chilli powder, on the other hand, reduced the longevity of male cohorts by 9%.

According to a study of diet and mortality data from four big, multinational studies, ingestion of chilli peppers may lower the relative risk of cardiovascular disease mortality by 26%, according to previous research by the American Heart Association (2020).

Chilli pepper usage was related to a 25% reduction in all-cause mortality and a 23% reduction in cancer mortality when compared to persons who never or only seldom ingested chilli pepper.

This research piqued my interest in Nigerian pepper soup and Ghanaian light soups with spicy spices. For example, Jiang TA(2019) discovered that frequent consumption of spicy meals was also associated with a decreased risk of mortality from cancer, ischemic heart disease, and respiratory system disorders.

However, the real effect of spices and herbs in health maintenance, especially in preventing the development of chronic, noncommunicable illnesses, is still unknown.

Nigerian pepper soup has a rush of natural flavours and spices that excite your culinary senses and put your hunger right. It is quite adaptable since it can be created using a variety of meaty meats such as turkey, chicken, fish, and even our nutrient-dense offals.

Adegoke et al. (2015) conducted a study to assess customer perceptions of the gastronomic, social, and health characteristics of pepper soup. A systematic questionnaire was utilised to determine the reasons for eating pepper soup, the chosen type of pepper soup, the social setting for pepper soup consumption, beverage accompaniment preferred with pepper soup, and food categories preferred as accompaniment with pepper soup.

It also assessed people’s perceptions of the stated health advantages of pepper soup’s ingredients. According to the poll, respondents ate pepper soup on a weekly and occasional basis for enjoyment (68.3%) and relaxation (55.8%).

90.2, 85.9, 90.2, and 92% of respondents liked catfish, goat meat, chicken, and cow tail as the meaty components in their pepper soup, respectively.

Colour, texture, and flavour preferences were light or dark brown, thick or light, and peppery and spicy. 97% of respondents chose hot pepper soup, while 65.8% preferred warm pepper soup.

Respondents (66.3 and 79%) chose beer and wine with their pepper soup, whereas 75.9 and 90.7% selected non-alcoholic beverages as accompaniments, respectively, carbonated beverages and juices or mineral water.

The majority of respondents (60.5 8.52%) strongly disagreed that pepper soup held the majority of the health advantages associated with herbs, spices, and other pepper soup elements, showing that pepper soup may not be taken for its claimed therapeutic value.

The nutritional value of pepper soup is usually dependent on the components used in its preparation. The spices and condiments utilised have shown to be useful in medicinal treatments.

Pepper soup is a nutrient-dense, nutritious food. The soup is low in calories and fat, and it’s high in protein.

Pepper soup has a lot of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, iron, and potassium. Pepper soup is not only nutritious, but it is also tasty and simple to prepare. You may make the soup using chicken, goat meat, or yams. Spice the pepper soup to taste.

An article in the Tribune by Eunice Olaleye(2022) stated that a scientific evaluation by Dr Heben’s team on concluded that the soup does assist in managing heart rate.

It also aids in blood pressure regulation, preventing it from becoming dangerously high or low. In other terms, it aids in blood pressure stabilisation.

Because pepper soup is an antioxidant, it also drives away free radicals that might cause cancer (Nwose EU, 2009; Agbor et al., 2019).

Pepper soup might help you recover from a cold or cough. There are various therapeutic benefits that you should be aware of.

The soup is also beneficial in chilly weather, according to the author. Hot and spicy pepper soup is crucial for keeping your body warm. It’s a win-win situation. You enjoy your pepper soup while also warming up your body.

According to, the elements in pepper soup are what make it healthy. Pepper soup contains unripe plantain, fresh catfish, cow skin, beef, or goat meat, which not only tastes good but also contains anti-oxidants.

Consuming pepper soup is one strategy to maintain proper vitamin intake while being hydrated. Because of the spicy nature, one tends to drink a lot of water.

Key Takeaways

According to the literature, pepper soup with local spices has several health advantages. According to a review of diet and mortality data from four major, multinational studies, intake of peppers or spicy spices may lower the relative risk of cardiovascular disease death by 26%, according to the American Heart Association(2020). Chilli pepper usage was related to a 25% reduction in all-cause mortality and a 23% reduction in cancer mortality when compared to persons who never or only seldom ingested chilli pepper.

With this knowledge, fans of spicy spices may include them in their diets in any way to improve their health.

NB: Prof. Nyarkotey follows stringent source requirements and bases his articles on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutes, and medical societies. My posts are for educational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice for treatment. My goal is to educate the public about scientific evidence-based Naturopathic Therapies.

The author is a Naturopathic Healthcare Professor, a Medical Journalist, and a scientific writer. is the email address.

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Accra College of Education: History, Programs and Location




Accra College of Education is a leader in teacher education, educating the next generation of educators who will play a critical role in shaping the minds of Ghana's children. With a commitment to quality, a long history, and a devotion to comprehensive education, the institution continues to have a significant effect on the Accra and beyond education sectors.

Accra College of Education is a notable teacher education college in Ghana, located in the Eastern or Greater Accra zone. Following the Colleges of Education Act of 2012 (Act 847), the college was upgraded to tertiary status, allowing it to issue degrees in Basic Education. The university recently welcomed 321 new students into its academic community, demonstrating the institution’s ongoing involvement in creating the next generation of educators.

The college’s dedication to practical, scientific-based education is seen in projects such as “Experiment Share,” which attempts to improve science instruction through engaging and exciting live experiments.

History and Background

Accra College of Education’s long history and commitment to educational quality have positioned it as a significant role in Ghana’s teacher training and growth. The institution’s programmes and activities, as well as its cutting-edge Teaching and Learning Resource Centre, highlight its continual efforts to improve teacher education quality and foster creative, practice-based learning.

The college’s willingness to adapt to the changing demands of the education sector, emphasis on practical teaching techniques, and excellent leadership under Dr. Samuel Awinkene Atintono, Principal, highlight its importance in the field of teacher education in Ghana.

Accra College of Education continues to play an important role in defining the country’s educational future by providing prospective teachers with the information, skills, and practical experience required to flourish in their careers.

Academic Programs

Accra College of Education is well-known for its wide range of academic programmes for prospective educators. The institution provides a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme that is aimed to provide students with the information, skills, and pedagogical strategies necessary for effective teaching. The programme frequently includes specialisations in many fields, allowing students to focus on their individual areas of interest.

Furthermore, the institution may offer diploma programmes in education, which would provide an alternate avenue for students seeking a more condensed teacher training programme.

Faculty and Staff

The quality of any educational institution’s faculty and staff is directly related to its success. Accra College of Education is proud of its staff of passionate educators and professionals who are not only specialists in their disciplines but also dedicated to building a supportive learning environment. The faculty frequently engages in research and intellectual endeavours that help to develop education in Ghana.

Campus Facilities

Accra College of Education provides a welcoming learning environment with cutting-edge technology to improve the entire student experience. These may include well-equipped classrooms, scientific and computer laboratories, a library with pertinent materials, and recreational areas where students may relax.

Campus Life

The institution emphasises a comprehensive approach to education, recognising that the college experience goes beyond the classroom. Accra College of Education has a bustling campus life that includes a variety of extracurricular activities, organisations, and events. These programmes allow kids to gain leadership skills, create long-lasting friendships, and participate in community service.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Accra College of Education frequently forms alliances and collaborations with other educational institutions, both nationally and worldwide, in order to keep informed of educational breakthroughs and global best practices. These collaborations may enable student exchange programmes, collaborative research projects, and faculty development opportunities.

Contributions to Education

Accra College of Education has made important contributions to Ghana’s education landscape by generating a cadre of trained and competent teachers who go on to serve in a variety of positions within the education sector. The college’s effect extends beyond its campus, impacting the quality of education in schools and communities across the country.


Accra College of Education is a leader in teacher education, educating the next generation of educators who will play a critical role in shaping the minds of Ghana’s children. With a commitment to quality, a long history, and a devotion to comprehensive education, the institution continues to have a significant effect on Accra and beyond education sectors.

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