Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum has raised concerns against teaching and learning methods in Ghana schools and parts of Africa.
According to him, pupils are not thought and encouraged to be assertive hence it doesn’t allow them to ask critical questions.
Adding to this when he was speaking at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly on transforming education he said that development in the 21st era is based on innovation and critical thinking.
“I go to schools upon schools and I speak with the students, when I finish speaking with them I will ask, do you have a question for me? And no hand goes up. A hand is yet to go up in all my encounters in Ghanaian classrooms” he said.
“We have tamed the children, we just want them to write down what we tell them, on the day of the exam, that’s the best student the country has seen.”
“That kind of education system will not transform Ghana, that kind of education system is not going to give us the critical thinking individuals especially since we are in the 21st Century.”
He added, “You can’t memorize your way out of poverty but you can critically think and innovate out of poverty.”
“So Ghana schools, African schools have to begin to take a serious look at what I will call assertive curriculum, a curriculum that empowers the African child to ask questions and challenge the status quo.”

Mr. Yaw Adutwum insists that the trend is disturbing and retrogressing and won’t move Ghana and Africa forward hence he urged teachers to adopt an assertive curriculum that will improve learning and expand pupils thinking capability which will help alleviate poverty in the continent.