It wasn’t the first time she’d done this to me. When it happened the first time, she apologised and vowed it wouldn’t happen again. Even though I was in pain, I accepted the apology. I was in pain since it was our first date after seven months of dating. Every time we intended to get jiggy, she offered me an excuse to cancel: “I’m not sure about us.” Can we give it some breathing room?”
So when I eventually got her, I thought it was going to be a terrific time. In fact, we were having a terrific time until she shoved me off her midway through the motion. “Get up,” she almost yelled. Get away from me. Put a stop to it. Stop it, I said.”
She didn’t explain why. When I questioned whether I’d damaged her or done anything wrong, she said, “You didn’t do anything wrong.” “How come you pushed me?” “Why did you yell for me to stop when I hadn’t c*m?”
She apologised but did not provide an explanation. It happened again a few days later, and then again a few weeks after. She always pulls me away just as I’m at the peak of my emotions. I’ll get there with just one or two pushes, but this female won’t let me. She’d practically scream if I was taking it too hard.
The bothersome problem is that she never gives reasons. All she does is apologise and promise that it will not happen again, only to have it happen again and again. “This relationship is over,” I informed her. If I don’t cut it, you’ll accuse me of rape one day and everyone will believe you. It’s all over.”
She has been weeping and asking me to take her back since then. Meanwhile, she refuses to explain her actions to me. I’d like to know what motivates a lady to act the way she does. She accepts and even participates in the activity till the moment when she pushes me away.
Before I decide on the next course of action, I need to know what the problem is. Whether or not to accept her back.