IShowSpeed Net Worth: Age, Height, Bio, Career, and Real Name

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Darren Watkins is an adolescent YouTuber from the United States. His YouTube channel, IShowSpeed, already has over 11.4 million subscribers, and he usually posts videos of himself playing video games and sharing personal details.

Darren is now a sophomore in high school. Before using YouTube, Darren was still adamant that he should not attend college. He did, however, contemplate attending a vocational school or concentrating on athletics. But YouTube has altered everything for him, and he plans to stay focused here. He is even considering dropping out of high school next year because he believes that high school is depleting him and that if he could focus all of his attention on YouTube, he would be able to grow much faster.

Personal Life

He, like any other adolescent, has struggled to make his family realise what he is doing and the value that he is providing. When he reached 100k followers on YouTube and notified his mother, her reply was unimpressive, which irritated him. He just posted a video in which he discussed how his fiancée cheated on him, which utterly destroyed his heart, and he was even weeping in the video. This was especially true because he admired this girl from Ohio and was rooting for her in all her accomplishments.


Darren was motivated to start doing YouTube by a buddy. The irony is that his friend stopped, but he persisted with it and has made great strides. He began doing YouTube since he had nothing else to do during the lockdown. His debut video was released on April 21st, 2020, and he hasn’t stopped since.

Prior to devoting most of his emphasis to YouTube, he worked at a Nursing Home, where he delivered food to the elderly. Darren, on the other hand, has been committed to Youtube since he began making videos on a regular basis and watching their rise.

He gained so many followers on many platforms in such a short period of time because he was unique in that he was one of the few who were doing excellent streams regarding NBA2k20 and NBA2k21. Darren also shared some advice for novice content makers, emphasising the need of being unique while also knowing where your strengths lie.

Net Worth

Darren’s net worth is expected to be $1.5 million in 2022. In a Q&A, he also stated that he earns between $75 and $200 every video, depending on how long he conducts the live, which is a good wage for someone his age. However, with his subscribers fast expanding to more than 11 million, his revenue will soon begin to climb exponentially more.