I went to a pool party with three buddies a few weeks ago. We were three buddies, but only one of us was in a relationship, so he brought his girlfriend. The party was incredibly light, and there were a lot of females. I walked around talking to a lot of them and getting their contact information. We had a great time, and as the evening progressed, this lady and I got into a deep chat. It wasn’t the usual chit-chat; she was plainly stimulated by the masculine energy surrounding her and the alcohol she had consumed. She told me how much she misses a man’s touch and what she would do right now to get one. Many ladies want the item, but they wait too long. They will stress you for a long period before they allow you. I was going around getting numbers because I was going to start conversing with them and see who would open up to some intimacy.
But one girl insisted on having it right away. I started becoming tough right there, and the summer shorts I was wearing didn’t help. I promised her we could locate a quiet area where she could satisfy her hunger. We moved to the rear, but there were other couples there doing their own thing. It was dark, but I needed some solitude. I approached one of my pals and requested his vehicle key. He was aware of the situation and gave it over. So I put this chick in my friend’s car and we started driving. I wanted to go in and do the actual thing around midway through, but she urged me to go down and lick her, saying it was her only chance of achieving climax. In my brain, I was thinking that I needed to impress her so that we may meet again another day. So I went down and used my tongue for a few minutes, and she was having a great time.
Unfortunately, she did not allow us to perform the genuine thing. She attained climax and then told me that the car was uncomfortable and that we should reserve a room for the next time. We’ll chat because I have her phone number. So I dialled the number she provided and it went through. Some girls have previously pranked me with that method, so now whenever I take a number, I flash it to ensure it’s theirs. She also appeared and sounded sincere and as we walked out of the car, she informed me she wasn’t going back to the poolside and I should aid her in obtaining a cab or uber home. Because all of the Ubers we booked were too far away, I phoned a cab for her, and that was the last time I saw her.
I’m not sure if she ever returned home. Her phone hasn’t been working for weeks, and I call the number every day. My tongue began to develop odd sores. They were itchy and uncomfortable as well. One of my acquaintances introduced me to this herbalist, who prescribed several herbs to alleviate my condition. The blisters and irritation subside, but they return after a few days. They’re now all over my tongue, and I noticed one forming on my bottom lip yesterday. I’m not sure what kind of ailment the girl infected me with. I’ve kept the issue to myself since I’m terrified to go to the hospital. I’m wondering if there are any medical professionals on this site that can give me an indication of what this girl has transferred to me so that I can at least be aware. I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I can’t wash my teeth because it aches so much. Could you please assist me?
Source: Anonymous Confessions